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# Section Testimonials

Welcome to the comprehensive documentation page that delves into the seamless utilization of the "Testimonials" (see demo) (opens new window) section type within the Lagom WHMCS Website Builder. Learn how to effectively showcase client feedback, build trust, and enhance your website's credibility using this dynamic feature. This guide will walk you through the process of incorporating testimonials into your website, offering step-by-step instructions and valuable insights to maximize the impact of this section. Whether you are new to Lagom WHMCS Website Builder or looking to enhance your existing design, this documentation is your gateway to harnessing the power of client testimonials to their fullest potential.

# Section Description

  1. Caption - Caption text shown above section title. Leave this field empty if you do not want to display that element.
  2. Title - Section title placed in <h2> tag. HTML tags are allowed in that field.
  3. Subtitle - Section subtitle, placed below section title. Leave this field empty if you do not want to display that element.

# Testimonials List

Present the list of generated testimonials that will appear on the edited website page. This list offers the convenience to arrange items by dragging and dropping, allowing you to adjust their sequence.

  1. Item - The "Testimonials" list item presents both its title and description.
  2. Edit - The "Edit" button opens a modal where you can personalize the "Testimonials" item.
  3. Remove - Remove "Testimonials" item from the list.
  4. Add New - Add new "Testimonials" item to the list.

# Add Testimonial Item

# Testimonial Title

Enter item title, which will appear in the "Testimonial" box as an h3 heading. HTML tags are permitted in this field. If you wish to exclude this element, leave it blank.

Here's an example of how this field will be displayed in the 'Testimonial' element on your website:

# Testimonial Description

Enter item description, which will appear in the "Testimonial" box below item title. This field display "text editor", which give you description configuration. If you wish to exclude this element, leave it blank.

Item description will be shown on the frontend as in below example:

# Testimonial Author

Enter testimonial "Author", which will be shown at the bottom of "Testimonial" box. If you wish to exclude this element, leave it blank.

Testimonial "Author will be shown on the frontend as in below example:

# Testimonial Domain/Position

Enter text which will be shown below the testimonial "Author" field in smaller letters, you can also assign URL to that item.

  1. Domain/Position -
  2. Domain/Position URL - Input a URL to be associated with the text. If no URL is desired, you can leave this field empty.

This element will appear on the website page, as illustrated below:

# Testimonial Date

Choose a date when specific "Testimonial" has been created.

Testimonial "Author will be shown on the frontend as in below example:

# Show Graphic

When the "Show graphics for this item" option is turned on, a list of available icons and graphics will be displayed. Learn more about "Media Modal".

This graphic is designed to work as "Avatar" in the "Testimonial" box, as shown below:

# Testimonial Settings

# Testimonial Type

Select from a variety of "testimonial" formats, each presenting testimonial boxes in a distinct manner.

# "Type 1" - Full width infinite slider
# "Type 2" - Infinite slider with left/right arrows
# "Type 3" - Single testimonial slider with bottom navigation
# "Type 4" - Grid layout

# Testimonial Style

Select from a variety of "testimonial" styles, and opt for the one that best aligns with the aesthetic of your website.

# "Default" Style
# "Bordered" Style
# "Boxed" Style

# Shuffle Testimonials

Upon activating this feature, an additional field will become visible, allowing you to input the number of testimonials you wish to display on your generated website page.

The system will autonomously select random testimonials from the list of created endorsements, ensuring a unique set of testimonials with each page refresh. The specified number should be lesser than the total count of generated "Testimonial" items.

# Item Custom Class

Enables you to assign a personalized HTML class to the currently edited FAQ item, facilitating custom modifications through the addition of custom CSS rules.

# Section Advanced Settings

  1. Combine This Section With Section Below - When activated it will remove bottom padding and border from this section. This setting was designed to combine two sections into single section - learn more.
  2. Overlay Section Below on This Section - This setting pull below section over this section, moreover it adds additional bottom padding - learn more.
  3. Section Anchor - Allows to set name for the section anchor, which then could be used, to link people to specific section - learn more.
  4. Section Custom Class - This setting assign custom classes to the section container - learn more.