/ /website-builder/ /extensions/ /module-integration/ /order-form/

# Configuration

Version 2.1.0 of SupportPal Module Integration introduces a new extension that enhances management capabilities. To access this extension, visit the "SupportPal Module Integration" section within the RS Themes addon, located under the "Extensions" tab.

# Settings

# Knowledgebase Categories

# Graphics

This sections allows you to assign predefined or custom graphics for Knowledgebase categories.

To assign new icon, to the specific category, you have to know its ID:

  1. Visit knowledgebase page, where categories are listed.
  2. Hover over category, to which you want to assign an icon.
  3. Category ID will be shown in left bottom browser corner. In below example, you see that "Domains" category has ID 13.
  1. Click "Add New" button, enter the category ID, and then select icon which you'd like to assign:

# Columns

This settings allows you to define amount of columns, for categories boxes:

# View Ticket

Select the order in which ticket messages are shown, ascending where the latest message is last or descending where the latest message is first.

  • Ascending - Oldest replies at the top
  • Descending - Latest replies at the top

# Pages

Pages tabs allows you to choose between different templates for selected pages.

# Support Departments

# Boxed Template
# Default Template

# Knowledgebase

# Modern Template
# Default Template

# Announcements

# Modern Template
# Default Template
# Default Template