/ /website-builder/ /extensions/ /module-integration/ /order-form/

# Settings

Lagom WHMCS Client Theme settings have been divided into two parts. Under the “General” section, you will find settings applicable for all theme pages while the “Order Process” part contains settings only for the order template.

# General

In the “General” settings tab, you can freely modify Lagom WHMCS Client Theme pages. The changes implemented under this section will impact all Lagom WHMCS Client Theme pages, layouts, and styles.

  1. Visit the “RS Themes” addon in your WHMCS admin area.
  2. Open the “Settings” tab.

The “Logo Link” option grants you the possibility to overwrite a default URL assigned to logo graphics used in the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme. By default, a logo connects to the home page or login page depending on the WHMCS settings. By providing a different URL to the “Logo Link” field, you will change this default behavior.

  1. Click “switcher” to activate this option.

  2. Enter the preferred URL that you wish to assign to the Logo Link option.

  1. Click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the screen.

# Gravatar

The “Gravatar” option allows you to display the customer's “avatar” in place of the “account” icon in the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme. The gravatar shows graphics from the gravatar.com (opens new window) website. Your customer needs to have a registered account on the gravatar.com website with the same email address as in your WHMCS system, otherwise, the placeholder graphic will be displayed.

Carry out these steps to learn how to activate the “Gravatar” option in Lagom WHMCS Client Theme:

  1. Enable the “Gravatar” option.
  1. Click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the window screen.

# Choose gravatar placeholder

When customer email address does not have any gravatar image assigned, then placeholder will be shown. This option allows you to decide what type of placeholder you'd like to display for your customers. Every available placeholder is described in gravatar documentation (opens new window).

  1. 404 - do not load any image if none is associated with the email hash, instead return an HTTP 404 (File Not Found) response
  2. mp - (mystery-person) a simple, cartoon-style silhouetted outline of a person (does not vary by email hash)
  3. identicon - a geometric pattern based on an email hash
  4. monsterid - a generated 'monster' with different colors, faces, etc
  5. wavatar - generated faces with differing features and backgrounds
  6. retro - awesome generated, 8-bit arcade-style pixelated faces
  7. robohash - a generated robot with different colors, faces, etc
  8. blank - a transparent PNG image (border added to HTML below for demonstration purpose)

# Affixed Navigation

With the “Affixed Navigation” feature, you can affix the top Lagom WHMCS Client Theme navigation. The navigation will be affixed ONLY when a customer scrolls your website UP, when your website is scrolled DOWN, the navigation will not be visible.

Follow the below steps to enable the “Affixed Navigation” option in the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme:

  1. Click “switcher” to turn on this option.
  1. Confirm by clicking on the “Save Changes” button placed at the bottom of the screen.

# Affixed Sidebars

The “Affixed Sidebars” functionality empowers you to affix the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme sidebars to the top of the browser window. Sidebars will be affixed once a website is scrolled UP and DOWN. Turning off this option will NOT disable affixed sidebars during the ordering process of WHMCS products.

Check how to enable the “Affixed Sidebars” feature in Lagom WHMCS Client Theme:

  1. Firstly, click “switcher” to activate this option.
  1. Once ready, press the “Save Changes” button located at the bottom of the screen.

Use the “Cookie Box” functionality if you wish to turn on and manage “Cookie Box” that will be shown to all your customers on all Lagom WHMCS Client Theme pages.

  1. To enable this option, click “switcher”.
  1. Select a preferred position where you would like “Cookie Box” to be displayed. There are 3 different positions to choose from:
    • Bottom Left
    • Bottom Right
    • Bottom
  1. Complete a message in the “cookie box message” field. You can freely use the HTML code here, which will be helpful when providing links to external pages, as presented below.
  1. Do not forget that you can translate your message into various languages by selecting the “translate” option at the top right corner.
  1. Finally, press the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the screen.

# 0.00 Converted To "Free"

When enabled, you'll have two options to choose with:

  1. Product Boxes - When enabled, product boxes will display “Free” in place of “0.00” values
  1. Whole Order Process and Client Area - When enabled, all 0.00 prices will be replaced with “Free” string.

# Show Status Icon

When enabled, it will replace default status dots with custom designed icons in Services, Domains, Invoices, Tickets, Quotes table pages, as shown in below example:

# Table Cache Duration

This setting allows you to define table cache duration. By default, WHMCS and Lagom WHMCS Client Theme, store table settings for 2 hours. This means that when customer filter the table, for example by clicking on the "Status" filter, this selection will be stored in browser cache for 2 hours, after this time selection will be restored to default table settings.

Available options:

  • One Day
  • One Week
  • Two Weeks
  • One Month
  • One Year

# Show Client ID

When enabled client ID will be shown in account dropdown. This feature is also integrated with "Resellers Center" (opens new window) module.

This feature is also compatible with pages generated by the Lagom WHMCS Website Builder product. Learn more about "Alternate" links - click. To enable "Alternate Links" click on the "enable" button, as shown below:

Once enabled, all your WHMCS pages will contian additional alternate code in the <head> tag, as shown below:

# Sections Title Capitalization

By default, our theme applies capitalization to section titles on the Homepage and MarketConnect pages to ensure consistency in design and uniformity across all titles. This approach addresses the issue of varied styles in WHMCS language variables, where titles may appear capitalized based on their entry in the WHMCS language files. To modify this behavior, customization of these strings in the WHMCS language files is required.

# Hide Billing Cycle Discounts

This feature lets you hide discount calculations for different billing cycles. Normally, our products show which billing period saves the most money, encouraging customers to choose longer commitments by comparing costs. If you prefer to keep pricing simple and not show discounts, this function will hide any savings shown for longer billing periods, making your pricing presentation cleaner. For more information on how the discounts are calculated, refer to our documentation - Product Discount Calculation (opens new window).

Discounts can be visible in our both products, Lagom WHMCS Client Theme and Lagom WHMCS Website Builder. With the feature disabled, customers can see the percentage savings for choosing longer billing cycles, such as annual or biennial plans on the respective pages generated by the product.

# Examples

Discounts visible on the Configure Product page in the Lagom WHMCS Cient Theme.

With the "Hide Billing Cycle Discounts" feature enabled.

Discounts are also visible on the pages generated by the Lagom WHMCS Website Builder as shown below.

With the feature enabled, these savings are hidden, and only the flat rates are displayed.

# Ordering Process

IMPORTANT Compatibility Notes: The features described below are tailored specifically for the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme and are exclusive to its order process.

Please note that these features are not compatible with the Lagom One Step Order Form For WHMCS module, which is a separate product for the ordering process with its own implementations and functions. Thus, it does not support the features from the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme.

# Package Price

The “Package Price” option gives you the possibility to decide how to adjust long product prices to the package width. By default, product prices in the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme are shown always in one line. This might result in some issues with very long prices as presented below.

Select the “Break All” option in the “Package Price” settings if you wish very long prices to be shown in two lines as in the following picture.

# Price Calculation

Important: This feature is specific to the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme and does not apply to the Lagom One Step Order Form For WHMCS. For more details, see Compatibility Notes.

This setting let you decide what price calculation should be shown on the product categories (opens new window) pages.

# Default WHMCS price calculation

By default WHMCS display prices from the first billing cycle, from your product configuration. For example "Single" package in "Web Hosting" (opens new window) category, have below billing cycle setting:

  • Monthly - $3.99
  • Quaterly - $10.47 ($3.49 per month)
  • Anually - $35.88 ($2.99 per month)

As you can see in above example, the lowest price per month, which you pay for "Single" package, is $2.99 when you choose "Annually" billing cycle. However WHMCS will display "Montly" price, as its a first billing cycle, which is configured for specific product:

# Lowest monthly price from all billing cycles

When this option is selected, our addon will replace prices generated by WHMCS, with the lowest price calculated from all configured billing cycles.

In our above example "Single" package in "Web Hosting" (opens new window) category, has lowest price for Anually billing cycle, so the $2.99 price will be shown.

Additionally, when "Order Now" button is clicked, our addon will automatically select the lowest billing cycle in product configuration step:

# Product Nameserver

Important: This feature is specific to the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme and does not apply to the Lagom One Step Order Form For WHMCS. For more details, see Compatibility Notes.

The “Hide Product Nameservers” feature will allow you to hide the "NS1 Prefix" and "NS2 Prefix" fields, which are shown in the “Configure Server” section, during the ordering process in the product configuration.

In order to hide nameservers fields in Lagom WHMCS Client Theme, perform the following steps:

  1. Click “switcher” on the right side of “Hide product nameservers” to enable this option.
  1. Decide whether “Nameserver” should be hidden for all products or only for selected groups. Once you tick “Hide for selected product groups”, you will see a list of product groups configured in your WHMCS system.

  2. To confirm your setup, click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the window screen.

# Product Hostname

Important: This feature is specific to the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme and does not apply to the Lagom One Step Order Form For WHMCS. For more details, see Compatibility Notes.

With the “Hide Product Hostname” option, you can block the "Hostname" and “Root Password" fields, which are located in the “Configure Server” section of the product configuration during the ordering process.

To do so, follow the instruction below.

  1. To activate the option, press “switcher” on the right side of “Hide product hostname”.
  1. You can hide the “Hostname” field for all products or only for specified groups of products. Tick “Hide for selected product groups” if you wish to choose preferred product groups from the list.
  1. The “Hostname” options are required by the WHMCS system, so even when hidden, Lagom needs to place values in these hidden fields. When the “Use custom hostname” option is deactivated, the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme will use random strings. When activated, additional fields will display and Lagom will build “hostname” based on its settings. Take a closer look at the following example: rsstudio-[20 random characters].net.
    • Prefix - placed at the beginning of the generated “hostname”.
    • Interfix - stands for the amount of randomly generated characters, shown in the middle of the generated “hostname”.
    • Suffix - displayed at the end of the generated “hostname”.
  1. Prefix Random Chars Type - Choose the types of characters to be included in generating the hostname. Multiple selections are allowed:

    • Uppercase
    • Lowercase
    • Numbers
  2. Hide On Checkout Page - Upon selection, hostnames will also be omitted from the checkout summary table, as shown in below example:

  1. Do not forget to “Save Changes” at the bottom of the window screen.

# Password Strength For Root Password Field

Important: This feature is specific to the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme and does not apply to the Lagom One Step Order Form For WHMCS. For more details, see Compatibility Notes.

When this option is enabled, password strength checker will be shown in product configuration page, during ordering process.

This field use the same script as password field in customer registration form. These fields share the same configuration, which can be changed in WHMCS admin area, as described in their documentation (opens new window).

If entered password won't be strong enough, customer won't be able to go to next order step, when "Continue" button will be clicked, error message will be shown at the top of this page.

# Show TLD Cycle Switcher

Important: This feature is specific to the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme and does not apply to the Lagom One Step Order Form For WHMCS. For more details, see Compatibility Notes.

By default WHMCS does not allow to choose billing cycle for which specific domain name, by enablig this function our theme will add new features to specific places

# Product Domain Registration

When activated, this feature enables your customers to select the registration duration for their searched domain name during the hosting product ordering process. It allows for immediate comparison of prices across different billing cycles. By default, WHMCS offers this option only on the View Cart page.

# Searched Domain Name

# Domain Configuration

The option to modify the domain billing cycle will also be accessible in subsequent stages of the ordering process, specifically on the domain configuration page. This allows your customers to reconsider and potentially make adjustments to the domains they have added to their order.

# Domain Search & Transfer

The option to alter the domain billing cycle can be found on both the Domain Search (opens new window) and Domain Transfer (opens new window) pages, as illustrated in the screenshots provided below.

# Searched Domain Name

# Custom Product Description Formatting

Important: This feature is specific to the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme and does not apply to the Lagom One Step Order Form For WHMCS. For more details, see Compatibility Notes.

By default, our theme automatically removes the <br/> tags from product descriptions. These tags are inserted by the WHMCS system whenever a new line break is introduced in the product description field on the product configuration page.

We recommend using HTML code within product descriptions for enhanced formatting. However, this practice has led to issues because WHMCS adds a <br/> tag with every line break, disrupting the intended layout.

To maintain consistency and ensure the proper display of product descriptions, we utilize HTML code in all our demo pages, as demonstrated in the example below.

<p>Perfecto para iniciarese en el mundo web. Ideal para pruebas y aprendizaje.</p>
<ul class="package-features">
    <li><b>Unlimited</b> Website</li>
    <li><b>50 GB</b> NVMe Storage</li>
    <li><b>Unmetered</b> Bandwidth</li>
    <li><b>Unlimited</b> Emails & DBs</li>
    <li><b>Free</b> SSL Certificate</li>
    <li class="premium-divider"><span>Premium Features</span></li>
    <li><b>On-demand</b> Backups</li>
    <li><b>50% Faster</b> Servers</li>
    <li><b>Priority</b> Support</li>

# Option Enabled

When this option is activated, <br/> tags are omitted, ensuring the HTML code is formatted correctly, as illustrated below:

# Option Disabled

However, if the option is deactivated, <br/> tags are inserted after each line break, resulting in HTML with extra spacing between each feature line

By disabling this option, you should not use line break when you write the code in product description, as in below example:

<p>Perfecto para iniciarese en el mundo web. Ideal para pruebas y aprendizaje.</p><ul class="package-features"> <li><b>1 Sitio web</b> permiitido  </i></span></li><li><b>500MB</b> de Espacio web</li><li><b>1GB</b> de Transferencia mensual</li> <li><b>SSL</b> incluido para mayor seguridad</li>  <li><b>1</b> Base de datos</li><li><b>PHP</b> 7.4 soportado </li><li class="premium-divider"><span>Nota</span></li><li> Este plan no incluye soporte técnico</li></ul>