/ /website-builder/ /extensions/ /module-integration/ /order-form/

# Section Call To Action

The "CTA" (see demo) (opens new window) section type in Lagom WHMCS Website Builder provides a powerful tool to guide your website visitors towards specific actions, ultimately driving conversions and engagement. By strategically placing compelling calls to action, you can effectively lead visitors to take desired steps, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting your support team. Here's how the "CTA" section type can be effectively used:

# Section Description

  1. Caption - Caption text shown above section title. Leave this field empty if you do not want to display that element.
  2. Title - Section title placed in <h2> tag. HTML tags are allowed in that field.
  3. Subtitle - Section subtitle, placed below section title. Leave this field empty if you do not want to display that element.

# Frontend

The choices from the management section above will be displayed as depicted below

# Section Actions

  1. Buttons - Add buttons using Button Manager modal.

# Frontend

The choices from the management section above will be displayed as depicted below

# CTA Settings

# Type 1

# Style "Default"

# Style "Boxed"

# Type 2

# Style "Default"

# Style "Boxed"

# Section Advanced Setting

  1. Combine This Section With Section Below - When activated it will remove bottom padding and border from this section. This setting was designed to combine two sections into single section - learn more.
  2. Overlay Section Below on This Section - This setting pull below section over this section, moreover it adds additional bottom padding - learn more.
  3. Section Anchor - Allows to set name for the section anchor, which then could be used, to link people to specific section - learn more.
  4. Section Custom Class - This setting assign custom classes to the section container - learn more.