/ /website-builder/ /extensions/ /module-integration/ /order-form/

# SupportPal Module Integration Documentation

Module Integration for SupportPal WHMCS works differently than standard Lagom Module Integrations made for other modules. Its because some of the SupportPal files, are stored in /templates/ folder of WHMCS system.

Integration files prepared for this module, overrides its default template files, which are located in /templates/supportpal directory. This way we've been able to implement more advanced structural changes to HTML, CSS and JS files generated by this module. Once installed you gain additional management options, which can be accessed via RS Themes extension - learn more.

# Product Previews

Below is a list of views generated by the SupportPal module inside the WHMCS system.

# Choose Support Department

# Boxed Template
# Default Template

# Open Support Ticket

# Ticket List

# View Support Ticket

# Knowledgebase

# Main Page

# Modern Template
# Default Template

# Article Preview

# Announcements

# Main Page

# Modern Template
# Default Template

# Article Preview